Little Bear

Little Bear

Little Bear is an educational Canadian children's television series based on the Little Bear series of books which were written by Else Holmelund Minarik and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. Originally produced by Nelvana, it is currently available to stream on Paramount+ and has been released on YouTube by Treehouse TV. It was first shown in the UK on the Children's BBC. A direct-to-video DVD full-length feature film was created after the series ended.

First Release: Nov 06, 1995

Duration: 8m

Genres: Animation, Family, Drama, Kids

Country: Canada, China

Episodes: 39

Actors: Kristin Fairlie, Jennifer Martini, Amos Crawley, Tracy Ryan, Andrew Sabiston, Elizabeth Hanna, Janet-Laine Green, Dan Hennessey, Sean McCann, Diane D'Aquila

Director: Else Holmelund Minarik, Maurice Sendak

IMDb: 6.7/10

Keywords:Little Bear