Season List
Last Friends
The series follow the life of Michiru Aida, a beauty parlor assistant who returns to Tokyo after 4 years. Bullied by her seniors at work and abused by her boyfriend, she is reunited with her best friend during high school, Ruka Kishimoto, a skilled motocross racer. Takeru, a make-up artist, is introduced to Ruka by her housemate, Eri and thus begin a journey of friendship.
First Release: Apr 10, 2008
Duration: 49m
Genres: Drama
Country: Japan
Actors: Masami Nagasawa, Juri Ueno, Eita Nagayama, Ryo Nishikido, Asami Mizukawa, Ranka Rea, Nagashima Mitsuki, Aki Nishihara, Shigenori Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Kitami
IMDb: 6.5/10