Yo soy Bea
Yo soy Bea is a Spanish television comedy-drama series which aired on Telecinco from 10 July 2006 to 16 August 2009. The series is an adaptation of the popular Colombian telenovela Yo soy Betty, la fea. Ruth Núñez played the title role of Beatriz "Bea" Pérez Pinzón and Alejandro Tous played Álvaro Aguilar, Bea's love interest. Yo soy Bea translates to "I am Bea"; it is a pun, with "Bea" sounding like bella, meaning pretty, and like fea, meaning ugly. The Spanish adaptation screened weekdays during the daytime and pulled in, on average, over four million viewers. The series' record is a 42,1% share. It was Spain's top rated daytime programme.
First Release: Jul 10, 2006
Duration: 37m
Genres: Drama, Comedy
Country: Spain
Actors: Ruth Núñez, José Manuel Seda, Inma Isla, Miguel Hermoso Arnao, Mónica Estarreado, Alejandro Tous, Norma Ruiz, Berta de la Dehesa, Roberto Correcher, Ana Milán
IMDb: 4.9/10