All Episode in Season 1
1. Noah's Ark Found?2. Tunguska: The Russian Roswell3. Stolen Glory: The Cover-up of Cosmonaut Vladimir Ilyushin4. Up for Sale5. Lost Lighting: The Missing Secrets of Nicola Tesla6. Keeping the Faith7. Science Fraud: Is the Tail Wagging the Dog?8. Genesis Revisited9. Irretrievably Lost: The Search for the Savannah Warhead10. Monopoly Men11. Unknown Encounter12. American Midnight13. H.A.A.R.P. Holes in Heaven14. HeavyWatergate: The War Against Cold Fusion
Season List
Phenomenon: The Lost Archives
A recently unearthed repository of materials formerly classified by the secret government....The Phenomenon Archives. This series covers the taboo subjects which have had light shed on them by pouring over the materials in this repository.
First Release: Jan 01, 1998
Duration: 46m
Genres: Documentary