Agter Elke Man
The series follows Marietjie Barnhoorn, the estranged wife of a successful businessman; Leana Steyn, the private secretary of an elderly business tycoon, who is ruthless in her ambitions to overcome her impoverished past; and aging ballerina Mercia Meyer, who returns to South Africa after living and working abroad and has to deal with the hostility of her fellow South Africans.
First Release: Sep 05, 1985
Duration: 44m
Genres: Drama
Country: South Africa
Actors: Dulcie van den Bergh, Cyrilene Slabbert, Steve Hofmeyr, Christine Basson, André Verster, Glen Bosman, Rika Sennett, Anna Richter-Visser, Kim de Beer, Annelize van der Ryst Hattingh
Director: Franz Marx
IMDb: 8/10