All Episode in World History 2
1. Rethinking Civilization2. Money & Debt3. Disease!4. War & Human Nature5. War and Civilization6. Climate Change, Chaos, and The Little Ice Age7. Humans and Energy8. Drought and Famine9. How World War I Started10. Who Started World War I11. The End of Civilization (In the Bronze Age)12. The Rise of the West and Historical Methodology13. Asian Responses to Imperialism14. The Railroad Journey and the Industrial Revolution15. Population, Sustainability, and Malthus16. Islam and Politics17. The Mughal Empire and Historical Reputation18. Luther and the Protestant Reformation19. Charles V and the Holy Roman Empire20. World War II, A War for Resources21. Congo and Africa's World War22. Water and Classical Civilizations23. Conflict in Israel and Palestine24. The Vikings!25. War and Nation Building in Latin America26. Iran's Revolutions27. Japan in the Heian Period and Cultural History28. Nonviolence and Peace Movements29. Capitalism and the Dutch East India Company30. Democracy, Authoritarian Capitalism, and China
Crash Course World History
First Release: Jan 26, 2012
Duration: 12m
Genres: Documentary
Country: United States of America