Season List
Siberia is an American mockumentary series about a reality television show where 16 contestants must survive in the Siberian territory of Tunguska. The show was filmed in Birds Hill Provincial Park just north of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. It premiered on NBC on July 1, 2013. The first season was met with generally favorable reviews from critics and viewers, with average viewership per episode coming in around 2.03 million viewers. Metacritic scored the show with a 63 out of 100. The series concluded its first season on September 16, 2013.
First Release: Jul 01, 2013
Duration: 1h 0m
Genres: Drama, Mystery
Country: United States of America
Actors: Joyce Giraud, Johnny Wactor, Esther Anderson, Sam Dobbins, Sabina Akhmedova, Anne-Marie Mueschke, Neeko Skervin, Irene Yee, Miljan Milošević, Daniel Sutton
Director: Matthew Arnold
IMDb: 6.8/10