All Episode in Season 1
1. Charlie2. Websites3. Leaping Lizards4. Pythons5. Sharks6. Dangers of the Deep7. Turtle Rodeo8. Rodents Rising9. It's a Jungle in Here10. Tasmanian Adventure11. Dingo Fence12. Freshies13. Deadly Australian Snakes14. Secret Valley15. Camel Training16. Animal Rehab17. Wild River Ride18. America's Pets and Pests19. Giant Snakes20. World's Deadly Four21. Marine Adventure22. Hidden Forest23. Making Crocodiles24. Dragons of the Outback25. Trouble on the Hoof26. Pigs in the Outback27. Fraser Island28. Gators29. Delete 0130. Delete 0231. Delete 0332. Delete 0433. Delete 0534. Delete 0635. Delete 0736. Delete 0837. Delete 0938. Delete 1039. Delete 1140. Delete 1241. Delete 1342. Delete 1443. Delete 1544. Delete 1645. Delete 1746. Delete 1847. Delete 1948. Delete 20
Season List
Croc Files
Croc Files is a wildlife documentary television series focusing on crocodiles first aired on cable TV channel Animal Planet. It was created as a spin-off to the original Crocodile Hunter and The Crocodile Hunter Diaries series hosted by Australian naturalist Steve Irwin and his wife Terri Irwin. In the UK it was aired on ITV. In Australia it was aired on Network Ten.
First Release: Jun 28, 1999
Duration: 24m
Genres: Documentary