Season List
Lucky Louie
Lucky Louie is an American television sitcom created by Louis C.K., which aired on HBO for one season in 2006. C.K. stars as the eponymous Louie, a part-time mechanic. The show revolves around the life of Louie, who lives with his wife, Kim, who is a full-time nurse, and their four-year-old daughter, Lucy. A first for HBO, Lucky Louie was filmed before a live studio audience, in a multiple-camera setup.
First Release: Jun 11, 2006
Duration: 30m
Genres: Comedy
Country: United States of America
Actors: Louis C.K., Pamela Adlon, Jim Norton, Mike Hagerty, Jerry Minor, Kim Hawthorne, Rick Shapiro, Laura Kightlinger, Kelly Gould
Director: Louis C.K.
IMDb: 7.5/10