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Father of the Pride

Father of the Pride is an American animated television series that began broadcasting on NBC on August 31, 2004 and was part of a short-lived trend of CGI series in prime-time network TV. The show, which was produced by Jeffrey Katzenberg and his company DreamWorks Animation, revolves around a family of white lions, the patriarch of which stars in a Siegfried & Roy show in Las Vegas. Despite heavy promotion, the show was unsuccessful and was canceled after one season. Transmission and production were also delayed by the real-life on-stage injury of Roy Horn.

First Release: Aug 31, 2004

Duration: 22m

Genres: Animation, Comedy


Episodes: 13

Actors: Danielle Harris, Carl Reiner, Orlando Jones, Cheryl Hines, John Goodman, David Herman, Julian Holloway, Don Stark, Brian George

Director: Jeffrey Katzenberg

IMDb: 5.1/10

Keywords:Father of the Pride