
Firehouse is an American drama/adventure series that aired on ABC television series in early 1974. Somewhat derivative of Emergency! and the recent best-selling novel Report From Engine Co. 82 by FDNY fireman Dennis Smith, the series was set in Los Angeles at a small inner-city fire station. The five-man crew of Engine Company 23 was led by Captain Spike Ryerson, played by James Drury, fresh from his starring role of nine years on the western series The Virginian. A dramatic series which focuses on Engine Company 23, a group of firemen who put their lives on the line by fighting fires each day. These men are constantly involved in such human dramas as rescuing an old man from a roaring inferno, confronting the landlord of a firetrap tenement and restoring life to a woman overcome by fumes.

First Release: Apr 11, 1974

Duration: 22m

Genres: Drama


Episodes: 2

Actors: Richard Jaeckel, James Drury, Michael Delano, Brad David, Bill Overton

Director: Frank Cucci

IMDb: 5/10
