Total Drama: Revenge of the Island
This series takes the contestants back to Camp Wawanakwa, only this time with thirteen new contestants; Anne Maria, B, Brick, Cameron, Dakota, Dawn, Jo, Lightning, Mike, Sam, Scott, Staci, and Zoey. Additionally the island is radioactive due to becoming a nuclear waste dump. This new season has new friendships, new rivalries, new relationships, and the biggest drama to date.
First Release: Jan 05, 2012
Duration: NA
Genres: Comedy, Animation
Country: Canada, France
Actors: Athena Karkanis, Jon Cor, Kevin Duhaney, Carleigh Beverly, Barbara Mamabolo, Caitlynne Medrek, Laurie Elliott, Cory Doran, Tyrone Savage, James Wallis
Director: Tom McGillis, Jennifer Pertsch
IMDb: 6.7/10