Season List
Tara Duncan
Tara Duncan is a French animated series produced by Moonscoop, best known for Code Lyoko. The show premiered in June 2010 in France on Disney XD, and at an unknown date in the United States. It is based on a series of French novels. Tara Duncan is a TV series about a 17-year old girl who is also a Spellbinder and defeats evil villains from the Otherworld with her fellow Spellbinders and friends Sparrow and Cal.
First Release: Sep 26, 2010
Duration: 23m
Genres: Animation
Country: France
Actors: Céline Melloul, Tony Marot, Isabelle Volpe, Benoît Allemane, Marie Nonnenmacher, Marie Nonnenmacher, Nathalie Bienaimé, Nathalie Bienaimé, Yann Pichon, Nayeli Forest
Director: Sophie Audoin-Mamikonian
IMDb: 8.2/10