All Episode in Season 1
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Dwaalster is a South African, Afrikaans-language television drama series created by Nicola Hanekom and set in the fictional Karoo town of Maanhaarsdrif, which is populated by interesting and mysterious residents. In Maanhaarsdrif there is also a fixation with stars and stargazing, while some inhabitants are even moonstruck (proverbially speaking).
First Release: Jan 08, 2019
Duration: NA
Genres: Drama
Country: South Africa
Episodes: 13
Actors: Tinarie Van Wyk-Loots, Jacques Bessenger, Albert Maritz, Tarryn Wyngaard, Jarrid Geduld, Joanie Combrink, Andre Odendaal, Erica Wessels, Terence Bridgett, Neels Van Jaarsveld
Director: Nicola Hanekom
IMDb: 6/10