Expedition Overland
Expedition Overland is a reality-based web series that follows our crew of overlanders and our outfitted vehicles through some of the most remote places of the world. The desire for exploration and adventure is at the heart of this series. The show features our adventures and mishaps as well as personal insights into our struggles, successes, and experiences. These journeys require teamwork, problem solving, ingenuity, and endurance. We welcome you to follow us as we step into the unknown. We are Expedition Overland.
First Release: Oct 30, 2013
Duration: NA
Genres: Action & Adventure
Country: Canada, United States of America
Actors: Clay Croft, Rachelle Croft, Jeff Downer, Ryan Erickson, Ty Heaps, Kurt Williams, Steve Talacki, Heather Dolan, Nathan Norby, Eric Olsen
Director: Clay Croft
IMDb: 6/10