The Adventures of the Black Stallion
After being shipwrecked on a remote desert island, courageous, young Alec Ramsay and a wild Arabian stallion named the "Black," form an irrevocable bond that continues after their rescue. Now teammates in the horse-racing circuit, they are poised to take the racing world by storm. No one else can ride the stunning fire and silk stallion but Alec; and though the Black's spirit is untamed, his speed is unmatched and he is swiftly becoming the fastest racehorse in the world.
First Release: Jan 05, 1992
Duration: 30m
Genres: Action & Adventure, Drama, Family
Actors: Mickey Rooney, Richard Ian Cox, David Taylor, Jean-Paul Solal, Michele Goodger, Docs Keepin Time
Director: Jacques Méthé, Boudjemaa Dahmane
IMDb: 6.3/10