The Game Caterers

All Episode in Season 1

1. ep.1-1 Not here to torment!2. ep.1-2 Where did the food go?3. ep.2-1 Sorry we couldn't help! Journey to the West, Shout in Silence!4. ep.2-2 We blame it all on the song Pitiful. Tune in and find out!5. ep.3-1 Game catered just for Antenna with a side of Youngseok!6. ep.3-2 How Terms in Order brought Fullmoon down7. ep.4-1Top ping pong players in the music world, but no English!8. ep.4-2 The Dragon God appears at Antenna (with dragon balls, not salmon roe)9. ep.5-1 Being honest after 20 years at tvN! (Feat. poor time management)10. ep.5-2 All about showing the company love!11. ep.6-1 King of Destruction and the starters of the webtoon world!12. ep.6-2 Warning! You might die of frustration while watching!13. ep.7-1 Quiz games by Quiz King despite ill intentions14. ep.7-2 Dragon Ball round1 They're so good, they might start a league.15. Special (1) Most number of guests x shortest amount of time16. Special (2) The thumbnail is intriguing enough!17. The Game Caterers x Run BTS! Part 118. 💜2-1 Mafia NA visits to remind BTS what it was like back then19. 💜2-2 Of course, the hottest mess of a game in BTS history20. 💜2-3 What were their missions? Dominoes, quail eggs, and kimchi...21. The Game Caterers x Run BTS! Part 322. 💜4-1 BTS has faltered?! Hunminjeongeum game full with English!23. 💜4-2 Whatever BTS wants! Dragon balls are the genie here!24. 💜4-3 The final mission..?! Finding SUGA with a party hat25. ep.10-1 스케치북 아저씨(?) 추천으로 BH 엔터에 마지막 출장을 오게 되었습니다26. ep.10-2 영화 촬영보다 더 떨리는 몸풀기 딸기 게임(?)27. ep.11 BH Special) Not Good at Word Continuation Game But Has Good Teamwork28. ep.12-1 좋은 거 다 주고 싶었던(?) 배우들의 역대급 몸으로 말해요29. 최종화 BH의 안녕과 평화(?)가 걸린, 난이도 극악(!) 고요 속의 외침30. 스페셜1 | 딸기게임 연습만 세번, 유언비어와 프로참견이 난무하는 현장 | 🧳출장십오야 스페셜31. 스페셜2 | 거친 생각과 불안한 눈빛과 근데 이제 인물퀴즈를 곁들인 재난 같은 이 곳 | 🧳출장십오야 스페셜

The Game Caterers

A webseries where Na Young Seok, a variety show producer, caters people his iconic games from 'New Journey to the West'.

First Release: Mar 12, 2021

Duration: 15m

Genres: Reality

Country: South Korea

Episodes: 31

Actors: Nah Yung-suk

Director: Nah Yung-suk

IMDb: 8.8/10

Keywords:The Game Caterers