George Shrinks

George Shrinks is a French-Canadian/American/Chinese animated television series. It is based on the children's book by William Joyce, produced in China by Jade Animation and in Canada by Nelvana, in association with Public Broadcasting Service. It tells the story of a ten-year-old boy named George who, one night dreams that he is three inches tall, only to wake up and discover that it is true. The show details his adventures with his friends and family going all through his adventures on his mini machine's that George and his musical father have created.

First Release: Sep 30, 2000

Duration: 30m

Genres: Kids, Animation, Family

Country: Canada, United States of America

Episodes: 14

Actors: Tracey Moore, Bryn McAuley, Kathleen Laskey


IMDb: 6.5/10

Keywords:George Shrinks