Season List
Beverly Hills Teens
Beverly Hills Teens is an animated children's television program which debuted in 1987, animated by DIC Entertainment. The namesake teenagers have exaggerated wealth, and face stereotypical teenage concerns. They represent a variety of English backgrounds. In 1989, Beverly Hills Teens was nominated for the Young Artist award for Best Animated Series. In the same year, the show was syndicated by Claster Television. The French dub is known as BéCéBéGé, or sometimes Le Club BCBG, a title derived from the acronym BCBG.
First Release: Sep 19, 1987
Duration: 30m
Genres: Animation, Family, Comedy, Kids, Drama
Country: United States of America
Actors: Hadley Kay, Jonathan Potts, Sean Roberge, Terri Hawkes, Corrine Koslo, Linda Sorensen, Mark Saunders, Tracey Moore, Mary Long, Karen Bernstein
IMDb: 6.2/10