The Jim Henson Hour
The Jim Henson Hour was developed as a showcase for the Jim Henson Company's various puppet creations, including the popular Muppet characters. This hour-long anthology series was hosted by Jim Henson and generally included two segments. The first segment,"Muppetelevision," included comedy skits starring the Muppets, as well as frequent guest appearances by popular entertainers. The second segment often featured rebroadcasts of original, Henson-created productions, such as episodes from Jim Henson's "The StoryTeller" anthology series.
First Release: Apr 14, 1989
Duration: 1h 0m
Genres: Family, Comedy
Actors: Jim Henson, Dave Goelz, Brian Henson, Frank Oz, John Hurt, Jerry Nelson, Kevin Clash, Fran Brill, Steve Whitmire, Chris Langham
Director: Jim Henson
IMDb: 9/10