
Relentless tells the story of Obi (Gideon Okeke),a Nigerian peacekeeping soldier who has been deployed to war-torn Sierra Leone. Obi's world is crushed after Blessing, a Sierra Leonean woman whom Obi loves, is mutilated by a gang of child soldiers and he's forced to kill her in order to put her out of pain and misery. He eventually returns to Lagos after the war, and tries to reintegrate himself into his community; in the process, he finds solace in the arms of a prostitute, Honey (Nneka Egbuna) who may help him forget his haunting past and lead him to self-discovery.

Release: Oct 13, 2010

Duration: 1h 35m

Genres: Drama

Country: Nigeria

Quality: HD

Actors: Gideon Okeke, Nneka Egbuna, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Tope Oshin-Ogun, Halle Mordu

Director: Andy Amadi Okoroafor

IMDb: 0/10
