
This quirky episodic comedy weaves together three plotlines centered around the employees of a car garage, with some unexpected fairytale elements to get things moving. A woodland fairy convinces shy bookkeeper Piel to suddenly start driving his Trabi far above the speed limit. Manager Neumann sells his soul to a black cat in order to purchase a more respectable vehicle. And a spirit named "Car Accident" offers to warn owner Sengebusch about upcoming traffic accidents so he can make money by always being the first on the scene.

Release: Jun 16, 1983

Duration: 1h 38m

Genres: Comedy

Country: Germany, East Germany

Quality: HD

Actors: Kurt Böwe, Michèle Marian, Fred Delmare, Werner Pfeifer, Barbara Dittus

Director: Erwin Stranka

IMDb: 5.5/10
