Shyama Kabya

The story revolves around a man named Azad. In the midst of his post-divorce depression, Azad contemplates suicide but is saved by Shyama during a trip to the Sundarbans. Their connection leads to a tumultuous marriage where Azad becomes a victim of a family curse, seemingly affecting his sanity and trust in Shyama. However, a startling revelation by their mutual acquaintance, Osman, unveils the true nature of Azad's psychological torment.

Release: May 03, 2024

Duration: 0m

Genres: Drama, Thriller

Country: Bangladesh

Quality: HD

Actors: Shohel Mondol, Neelanjona Neela, Intekhab Dinar, Subhashis Bhowmik, Shahadat Hossain

Director: Badrul Anam Saud

IMDb: 0/10

Keywords:Shyama Kabya