The Legend of All Men Are Brothers
The Three Famous Constables
Sword with the Windbell
Miraculous Sword Art
Hei yu da tao wang
Red Rattlesnake
Super Warrior
Escape to Freedom
The Jade Badger
The Desperate Prodigal
The Dark Lady of Kung Fu
The Legend of Broken Sword
The Silver Spear
Veiling of Hidden Sword
Love and Sword
Wanderer with Nimble Knife
Scorching Sun, Fierce Wind, Wild Fire
The Jade Fox
Flying Swallow
Bruce Li's Magnum Fist
The Brave in Kung Fu Shadow
Pai Yu Ching
Lost Swordship
Return of the 18 Bronzemen
The 18 Bronzemen
The Majesty Cat
Tigers at Top
Heroes in the Ming Dynasty
The Shaolin Kids
The Three Tales
The Tongfather
The Windows of the Mind
A Girl Fighter
Champion of the Boxers
The Big Fight
Tough Duel
Bronze Head and Steel Arm
Chaochow Guy
The Decisive Battle
To Subdue the Evil
The Ghost Hill
A Touch of Zen
The Bravest Revenge
The Melody of Love
The Swordsman of All Swordsmen
The Lost Romance
Dragon Inn