Charging Card
Mesh Ana
High Fences
Dafae Rubaei Biqoua
The Knight & The Princess
Egypt's Exchange Cafe
Rida's Clock
Al Khourouj An Al Nas
We're Sorry, Sir
Omar Al Azrak
Detention Letter
Brooks, Meadows and Lovely Faces
Amod Faqrey
Gun Racking
A Mob of Women
Life upside down
A Girl from Dar El Salam
The Festival
Mr. Know It All
El Ashash
Lion Heart
Metaab and Shadya
Chaos, Disorder
Abdu Mouta
The Glimpse
A Break We'll Be Right Back
El Rajul El Ghamid Bisalamatoh
The Dealer
Bushra Sarrah
Prince of the Seas
Escaping Tel Aviv
The moon's tears
The Ghost
Tata Fell asleep, Tata woke up
The Time Is Here
At Cairo's Railway Station
The stray
The Red Notebook
The Woman And The Hornet
Ladies' Threshold
The Thief and the Fox
مربط الفرس
The Spy Hikmat Fahmi
Circle of Death
Laughter, Joy, Work and Love
2 Against the law
A Hero from Upper Egypt
زمن الأقوياء
فخ الثعالب
Al Moshaghebat Wal Captain
ليل وليالي
The Serpent of Death
وضاع الطريق
أنا وحماتي والزمن
The Egg and the Stone
The Fool's Dreams
Al Gued3an Al Thalatha
Min Khaf Selim
Meeting on the honeymoon
جواز مع سبق الإصرار
The Train
Under Threat
امرأة تحت الاختبار
Kaddabeen Al-Zaffa
The Beginning
Imraa Fi Al-Sign
Wadaan Ya Walady
Madame Shalatta
The Informer
المطاردة الأخيرة
Market of The Fish
A Distress Call From The Other World
Avenging Ragab
The Devil Sings
Forbidden Games
Jababirat almina'
The Street Player
alqadiat raqm 1
People Of The Top
Whose Son Is He
Shafiqa and Metwally
Enough, my heart
The Downtown Apartment