The Bad and the Beautiful
Singin' in the Rain
The Judge Steps Out
The Hucksters
Swing, Cowboy, Swing
Thundering Hoofs
Framing Father
Code of the Outlaw
West of Pinto Basin
Westbound Stage
$1,000 a Touchdown
Our Leading Citizen
Bridal Suite
Let Us Live
Code of the Fearless
Sunset Murder Case
Starlight Over Texas
Tell Your Children
Trailing Trouble
Navy Spy
Aces Wild
Fury Below
Two Minutes to Play
Cavalcade of the West
Romance Rides the Range
The Idaho Kid
Gun Grit
Big Brown Eyes
Hair-Trigger Casey
Ghost Town
The Reckless Way
I'll Name the Murderer
Wild Mustang
Perfectly Mismated
My Grandfather's Clock
Everything's Ducky
Down to Their Last Yacht
Bachelor Bait
The Lucky Texan
Hold Your Temper
Saturday's Millions
The Fighting Parson
Rainbow Ranch
The Fugitive
A Slip at the Switch
Tom Brown of Culver
The Nevada Buckaroo
Moonlight and Monkey Business
Eats for Two
The Movie Hound
Jungle Heat
Hot Lightning
High Sea Blues
His Off Day
The Radio Bug
Who Hit Me?
Honest Injun
The Tin Ghost
Quick Service
Scrambled Eggs
Who's Which?
Fair Warning
The Dangerous Maid
The Deuce of Spades
A Convict’s Happy Bride
All Jazzed Up
The Romance of Tarzan
Pirates of the Air
Gertie's Gasoline Glide
The Den of Thieves
'Cross the Mexican Line
Love's Western Flight
Passing of the Beast
The Man Within
The Quack
Women and Roses
The Skeleton
A Gypsy Romance
Cupid Incognito
The Mountaineer
The Heart of the Hills
The Voice of the Viola
The Greater Devotion
The Countess Betty's Mine
The Intruder
A Hopi Legend
The Lightning Bolt