The Island 2
An unpaid killer
Horses sleep standing up
Down and Out
Leisure Time
Welcome, Beys
The Magician
The Lady's Puppet
Sons of the Devil
Have a Safe Journey 2000
National Security
The Seventh Sin
A Woman Shook the Throne of Egypt
The President's Visit
The Good, the Bad, and the Pretty
The Mix-up
Mughalaf balshykulatih
A Citizen Under Investigation
The Strongest Men
Axe in the head
Mission In Tel Aviv
The Convicts
The Age of Power
احذروا هذه المرأة
The Emperor
The Scorpion
امرأة ضلت الطريق
The Escape from El-Khanka
Public Sector Dancer
The Person
مسرحية انت المطلوب