The Honeymoon
The Wedding March
The Arizona Whirlwind
Mare Nostrum
The Silent Flyer
Going Up
Trifling Women
Rush Orders
Whirl o' the West
Cash Customers
An Elephant on His Hands
A London Bobby
Run 'Em Ragged
Call a Taxi
Any Old Port
Seeing It Through
All Jazzed Up
Rip & Stitch: Tailors
Cupid's Day Off
In Dutch
The Village Chestnut
Rips and Rushes
Bullies and Bullets
Hash and Havoc
Walls and Wallops
A Villainous Villain
There and Back
The Man from Egypt
Losing Weight
A Night Out
Jane Was Worth It
Sweeney's Christmas Bird
Our Fairy Play
The Hero
Wild Beasts at Large
A Lady and Her Maid
Cutey and the Chorus Girls
Getting Up a Practice
How Fatty Made Good
The Godmother
As You Like It
Captain Barnacle's Legacy