The More the Merrier
Dude Cowboy
The Californian
Stars of Yesterday
Perils of the Rail
Crossed Signals
Whispering Smith
Webs of Steel
The Lost Express
The Fast Freight
Mistaken Orders
Barriers of the Law
Battling Brewster
Fighting Fury
40-Horse Hawkins
Stormy Seas
The Lone Hand
Hills of Missing Men
The Fatal Fortune
The Railroad Raiders
The Hazards of Helen
The Manager of the B & A
The Diamond Runners
Judith of the Cumberlands
Medicine Bend
A Lass of the Lumberlands
When Rogues Fall Out
A Desperate Leap
The Mettle of Jerry McGuire
A Test of Courage
The Watertank Plot
A Matter of Seconds
A Girl's Grit
Nerves of Steel
The Broken Rail
Train Order Number Forty-Five
A Perilous Chance
The Limited's Peril
The Substitute Fireman
The Runaway Boxcar
The Girl on the Engine
A Deed of Daring
The Fate of Number One
A Wild Ride
The Midnight Limited
The Hazards of Helen Ep33: In Danger's Path
Near Eternity
The Pay Train
The Human Chain
A Railroader's Bravery
The Broken Train
The Hazards of Helen Ep26: The Wild Engine
The Box Car Trap
A Race for a Crossing
The Girl Engineer
The Girl on the Trestle
A Life in the Balance
The Girl at Lone Point
The Railroad Raiders of '62
The Death Train
The Open Drawbridge
The Engineer's Peril
The Red Signal
The Hazards of Helen: Episode13, The Escape on the Fast Freight
The Little Engineer
The Fast Mail's Danger
The Broken Circuit
The Leap from the Water Tower
The Girl Telegrapher's Peril
The Girl and the Game
The Escape on the Limited
The Black Diamond Express
The Flying Freight's Captive
The Stolen Engine
The Girl at the Throttle
The Plot at the Railroad Cut
His Nemesis
Helen's Sacrifice
The Lost Mail Sack
Into the Depths
The Car of Death
The Operator at Black Rock
Kaintucky Bill
The Flaw in the Alibi
On His Wedding Day
The Hazards of Helen: Episode 3 - The Girl at the Throttle