Sunday's dream
Ο Σταύρος είναι πονηρός
A poor Onassis
Wake up Vassili
Two Feet in One Shoe
I Die Every Dawn
The Man Who Returned from the Plates
For Whom the Bell Rings
Mermaids for Love
The jealous woman
Mikes Is Getting Married
Our love
A Lady In Bouzoukia
Welcome Dollar
Groom from London
The Blue Beads from Greece
Viva Rena
Το κορίτσι της οργής
Όλοι οι άνδρες ειναι ίδιοι
The 7th Day of Creation
Angels of Sin
Fifis the Unbeatable
A Matter of Earnestness
The Orgies Villa
Το παιδί του μεθύστακα
Ο παλληκαράς